social media

  • 3 Social Media Recruiting Tactics to Stop Immediately

    Not seeing results with recruiting on social media?

    Have you been diligently spreading the good word about your product, service, or opportunity…

    Only for it to fall on deaf ears?

    Or worse, find all your hard work is resulting in being BLOCKED by friends and family, or a Messenger inbox full of angry messages?

    Look, chances are you’ve been following your upline’s advice to the letter…

    But unfortunately, your upline’s advice is probably REPELLING every single person that you’re trying to attract to your business!

    And it’s not your upline’s fault; they’re simply using tired, old-fashioned strategies that might well have worked in the pre-digital age, but FAIL massively when taken online.

    Social media has revolutionized the network marketing industry!

    It allows for even your “average Joe” to connect with vast audiences spanning the globe.

    But there’s an effective way to recruit on social media that attracts people to you, and there are a multitude of downright ‘cheeseball’ prospecting methods that will only pester, annoy, and perturb your potential recruits.

    Sadly, most uplines aren’t “in the know,” and fail to recognize that social media recruiting is NOT traditional recruiting.

    And most of what used to work offline, back in the pre-social era, has been left behind.

    So, to keep you hip with the times, let’s explore three recruiting tactics you should STOP immediately, and then we’ll talk about the KEY to creating real social media influence.

    Scripts can be a good thing.

    Especially on a prospecting call, when you’re brand new, and you’ve got NO idea what to say.

    But online it’s a different story.

    “Copy/pasted” scripts, where the only thing that is changed is the recipient’s name, are hot GARBAGE.


    Be honest:

    Have you gotten one of these half-baked pitches? Did you feel anything other than profoundly annoyed?

    These types of posts lack all authenticity.

    There are so many of them circulating on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, most people will immediately tune them out.

    Adding in copious emojis, as in en vogue these days, only makes its artificiality more apparent.

    Spamming people incessantly, especially with the same, “cookie-cutter” scripts, will only anger the recipient.

    It’s no way to get people to know you, like you, and trust you, which is the foundation of successful social media prospecting.

    What’s worse than copy and pasted scripts?

    Scripts that start off with a smarmy introduction that’s meant to be personal, but comes off generic and hollow.


    “Hey girl” is practically a trope at this point, and will drive away most people as fast as they can hit the delete button.

    It’s especially annoying because it gives nothing of value to the recipient.

    Relying on a “faux-familiar” introduction to catch your reader’s eye, and draw them into your “bait-and-switch” message, will only elicit an eye roll–at best.

    Chances are, that recipient has already seen a hundred other such messages.

    You need to stand out from the other marketers.

    You need to lead with value.

    That’s how you can start building the trust you need to succeed at social media prospecting.

    This is one that we’ve started to see more recently.

    People asking to post a message about their product, service, or opportunity on another marketer’s wall, feed, or page.

    Here’s a real example…

    “Hey girl! Do you care if I put a post on your wall for my business? I’m trying to hit a big promotion this month.”

    First of all… YES, WE DO CARE!

    We care because we’ve spent years and thousands upon thousands of dollars growing our tribe and teaching them how to grow their business, the right way, using attraction marketing.

    Thus, if I’m going to put a post on my wall, it’s going to be something that’s going to actually SERVE my community.

    No one who’s investing their time and energy into growing an audience wants to disrespect the relationship they’ve painstakingly built with their followers.

    Is it time to DETOX from your upline’s out-of-touch advice?

    Now, I don’t want to sound mean, because as I’ve pointed out before, your upline only has your best intentions in mind.

    But if you’ve been taught any of the above cheesy prospecting tactics…


    These messages come off as desperate and amateur, like you don’t know how to build a REAL business.

    Real businesses don’t waste time on social media to spam strangers, needily asking them to come and buy their stuff, right?

    It’s not a good look.

    Who would want to join someone building their business like that?

    Instead, real businesses use proper advertising, where they lead with VALUE.

    Leading with value is the KEY to getting people to know you, like you, and trust you on social media

    What’s important about creating the “know, like, and trust” factor?”

    Well, it creates rock-solid rapport, first of all.

    And secondly, it’s the foundation of creating influence over people, so you don’t ever have to worry about pitching perfect strangers.

    So how do you lead with value?

    Well, there are LOTS of different ways you can do this.

    It’s not like there’s ONE certain way that’s the magic “secret sauce” that’s going to get everyone to join your business.

    Creating influence will take time.

    But here’s a proven shortcut…

    When you plan to start writing a post or recording a Facebook Live, ask yourself…

    “What is one thing that I could share today that might be worth something to my audience?”

    That’s the “trick” to value.

    It’s about BLESSING your prospects’ lives and helping them grow their businesses

    Every day create at least one valuable piece of content, whether it’s a Facebook Live, a post, or even an interview.

    Help your prospects think like real business owners and they’ll respect you for it.

    You’ll be amazed at the difference this makes in your results.

    Once you start providing value people will join you because of all the value you’ve shared.

    Then, when you have something new you’re doing, people will inquire in droves.

    Because you’ve already led with value, built rapport, and created influence.

    Once we figured this out, we went from having an $80 residual check to making multiple six-figures in our business.

    Obviously, our results aren’t typical, but absolutely ANYONE can improve their prospecting results by scrapping the copy/paste, “hey girl” nonsense and instead, leading with value.

    Actually serving people, while leveraging 21st century tools, completely changed our business.

    That’s how we tapped into the power of social media influence

    Now, if you’re new to this whole idea of adding value and creating influence without pitching, and would like to learn more…

    Then I strongly encourage you to join us for a training where you’ll discover how to harness the power of social media influence to sponsor new teammates like a pro.

    No need to spam your friends’ News Feeds, copy/paste “cookie-cutter” messages, or drop your company links all over the place.

    You can be 100% authentic, feel great about how you “show up,” and absolutely CRUSH IT in your business

    Look, we used to be “mall sharks”—and even hunted down prospects on the Vegas strip every weekend for two years.

    Thank goodness those days are over for us!

    The “old school” days can be over for you, too.

    So if you’re ready to learn how to use the most cutting-edge online methods to rank advance, sell more stuff, recruit more people, and make a whole lot more “moola” in your business…

    Click here to start the training:

    Guest Writers:  Whit & Cari Higham
    Super Affiliates
    Elite Marketing Pro

  • How to Strategically Repurpose Your Content to Maximize Traffic, Leads, and Sales

    Imagine you’re at the grocery store, choosing between two apples.

    Shiny and waxy to the touch, both are totally free of bruises and pretty much identical in weight and size, too.

    So, which do you choose?

    Decisions, decisions.

    On a whim, you place one in your cart and drop the other right back into the bunch.

    And that’s that.

    But here’s some food for thought…

    What becomes of the apple you left behind?

    Unfortunately, there’s a pretty good chance it up in the garbage.

    In fact, roughly 50% of all produce is thrown out of grocery stores, at the cost of roughly $150 billion annually.

    The average American family of four squanders $1,600 worth of perfectly good produce per year.

    Generally speaking, people are wasteful.

    And that waste comes with a hefty price tag.

    And this doesn’t just apply to what you’re neglecting in your fridge (…or how much time you’re spending on Facebook).

    You need to be wary of unforeseen waste in your business too.

    In fact, if you’re marketing online…

    One of the greatest enemies you face comes in the form of waste!

    With everything there is to do…

    • Building your audience
    • Engaging them
    • Branding yourself
    • Writing blog posts
    • Going Live
    • Crafting killer ads
    • Emailing your list
    • Following up one-one-one
    • Automating your sales process

    …you simply can’t afford to waste any time, energy, or effort, because that’s a TON of content and media you gotta write, record, produce, and design.

    Unfortunately, though…

    Most marketers are flying blind when it comes to their content creation strategy

    I’ve got good news, though.

    Chances are you’re overthinking the process and can dramatically reduce your workload by squeezing the maximum amount of value out of everything you create.

    History teaches us to find hidden opportunities to repurpose what would otherwise be wasted.

    What do I mean by that?

    For starters, stop thinking of a blog post as just a blog post, or a Facebook Live as just a Facebook Live, or an email as just email.

    To see what I mean, let’s look at an old-school example from the most unexpected of places.

    How Henry Ford turned trash into treasure

    Think about the great American pastime of grilling.

    You know, backyard barbecues by the pool with hot dogs, burgers, and endless cans on ice.

    That aroma of grilled meat over charcoal represents pure Americana, doesn’t it?

    Well, charcoal itself has a pretty fascinating history.

    And it’s also a brilliant lesson in marketing too.

    Let’s rewind back to the early 20th century.

    Henry Ford was busy selling an absolutely insane amount of automobiles to the American public.

    By 1919, one million Model T’s were flying off the assembly lines

    Now, those vehicles required a ton of wood to assemble.

    From the frame and the spokes to the interior and beyond, Ford quickly realized that he needed acres of forest if he wanted to keep his company’s momentum going.

    So Ford befriended a Michigan real estate agent named Edward G. Kingsford with the intention of investing in land in upstate Michigan to harvest the necessary timber to meet the demand for the Model T.

    And so he did.

    300,000 acres worth.

    But there was a slight problem…

    Ford’s sawmill was producing an insane amount of waste

    …in the form of mountains upon mountains of sawdust.

    Ford didn’t like the idea of seeing these raw materials cast aside.

    So, working with a chemist, Ford discovered that he could combine the sawdust with tar and cornstarch to create charcoal briquettes.

    And with the help of Kingsford, Ford began selling his excess briquettes to industrial smokehouses.

    Trash into treasure!

    And now you know where Kingsford Charcoal gets it’s name.

    However, there were so many briquettes being produced and not enough salmon in the world needing to be smoked, so they had a surplus of inventory.

    Ford then came up with an idea…

    (Hint: this is where the concept of repurposing really comes into play)

    Based on his own decadent camping experiences with the likes of Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone (of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company)…

    Ford decided to manufacture “picnic kits”

    …to be sold at Ford dealerships across the country.

    These kits included charcoal briquettes and portable grills, and marketed the idea of families going camping and grilling in exotic locations.

    It was a hit.

    And popularity soared even further in 1951 when the Weber grill was invented.

    And the rest is history.

    It all started with sawdust, though.

    What would otherwise be waste eventually grew into its own empire.

    Pretty cool, right?

    Now let’s return to your business.

    How to discover your own “sawdust”

    Take Gary Vaynerchuk as an example.

    The guy’s a master at repurposing and distributing content.

    Each episode of The #AskGaryVee Show is broadcast live on Facebook, uploaded to YouTube, converted into a podcast, turned into blog posts, and clipped into micro-content for social media (and I probably missed a few steps along the way).

    See how that works?

    I even got the idea for this post watching a video where he made the following comment:

    I want you to take a step back and ask yourself how you can create a weekly podcast or a daily video show that can lead to other pieces of content or micro-content. It’s all sawdust. I’m fascinated by sawdust. It’s the byproducts of your output whether you’re a podcaster or a writer or entrepreneur. It’s someone who took the sawdust after cutting a bunch of 2x4s, repackaging it and then selling it. Figure out your sawdust.

    Now, this might not directly reference the Kingsford Charcoal story, but I got inspired to read more about sawdust, and turn that story into a Facebook Live.

    Think about that for a second…

    How to 10x your content creation with minimal effort

    To recap: this blog post began its life as a Facebook Live.

    Afterwards, that Live was uploaded to YouTube, converted to a podcast on SoundCloud, and turned into a blog post (which you’re reading now), which will get shared across Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

    And it all started with a passing comment.

    Additionally, this story could also be used on a webinar, in a sales letter or video, or as a talking point in any type of presentation or conversation.

    The takeaways here?

    1. There are endless opportunities to repurpose and repackage anything you produce to get more mileage from it
    2. Each piece of content you consume is an opportunity to create something of your own

    Seriously, read something recently that inspired you?

    Heck, did you learn something new this week?


    Write about it. Post about it. Record something about it.

    A single idea could be the catalyst for a blog post, video, email, or all of the above.

    In short, you should never let your potential sawdust go to waste.

    Creating a more efficient content process

    Perhaps the key to making all of this work is devising a plan.

    You see, when you have too many ideas floating around in your head, a few of them will get lost in the shuffle.

    So planning out your content in advance ensures your good ideas don’t fall by the wayside.

    My first rule?

    Never consume a piece of content without producing something in return.

    Whenever you read a blog post or watch a video, take notes in some way, shape, or form.

    That way, you better retain what you’ve learned and can put your own spin on it, when it’s time to share it with your audience.

    There are so many tools out there to help you keep track of your ideas and inspiration, too.

    • Evernote,
    • Pinboard,
    • Instapaper,
    • Pocket,
    • Good old fashioned pen and paper!

    …you name it!

    Using these tools, you can quickly build up a bank of ideas, which will leave you with no shortage of inspiration for future content.

    That way…

    You don’t have to worry about inspiration magically finding you

    …it’s already there.

    So next time you sit down to compose or record something, you already have a valuable lesson to share.

    And ideally, you also have your “sawdust plan” ready to help you squeeze even more out of what you create.

    Listen: content creation is one of the biggest pain points of most marketers.

    That’s why repurposing and repackaging your content is so vital.

    You should never let your hard work go to waste.

    And by creating a wide variety of content types for your audience to consume, you’ll be sure to maximize your chances of finding new prospects on the social network where they like to hang out.

    Are you ensuring your content doesn’t go to waste?

    Okay, so we’ve discussed how to create a whole bunch more content without spending a whole bunch more time doing it.

    And that’s great.

    But here’s the thing…

    In today’s age, just creating content isn’t enough.

    You also need to have a comprehensive TRAFFIC strategy for…

    1. Targeting the right audience
    2. Building that audience
    3. Engaging that audience, and
    4. Converting that audience into clicks, leads, and sales!

    You can create content until you’re blue in the face…

    But if you don’t have a marketing plan to drive traffic, no one will see all your hard work

    Luckily this doesn’t have to be an expensive or time-consuming proposition…

    Because we’ve put together a step-by-step tutorial that reveals our exact advertising process in a 100% FREE online workshop, hosted by none other than Tim Erway, co-founder and CEO here at Elite Marketing Pro, who’s responsible for generating over 30 million dollars in online revenue (and counting).

    You’ll discover how you can put together a profitable ad campaign in just 10 minutes a day with as little as $10 in initial ad spend.

    In fact…

    We’ve used the exact formula to turn a $10 test campaign into $141,246.30 in sales.

    And Tim will show exactly how we did it.

    So if you haven’t registered yet, what are you waiting for?

    Pick a time that works for you to attend Tim’s traffic workshop right here:

    Guest Writer: Andrew Draughon
    Director of Content
    Elite Marketing Pro

    Andrew Draughon has served the online marketing space for over a decade, working in the natural health, Internet marketing, and digital network marketing industries. Today, as the Director of Content at Elite Marketing Pro, Andrew’s calling is helping our community members find their voices, build their brands, and add unique value to the marketplace through the art and science of storytelling.